The ministry of the church is to carry on Christ’s work of reconciliation through the spreading of the God’s Word and to love one another by using the gifts given to each of us. For the Episcopal Church, outreach programs are the tangible form of evangelism in the world. Holy Spirit supports numerous local, regional, national and international organizations through generous monetary gifts and donations.
Locally, the following organizations are supported:
- The Sutherlin-Oakland Emergency Food Pantry (SOEP) with both financial support and donations of fresh produce and canned food items collected through the year.
- Visitations to members of the congregation and the seniors citizens who are home-bound or live in retirement communities.
- Two full scholarships to attend the Diocese of Oregon Episcopal Church summer camp for youth at Suttle Lake during the month of July.
- Children and Youth Backpacks are purchased at the beginning of each school year and stuffed with school supplies which are given to the children of those individuals seeking support through SOEP.
- Funds are given to Umpqua Valley Humane Society who also sponsor the Blessing of the Animals at Umpqua Community College on St. Francis Day (October 4th) each year.
- Blessed donated stuffed animals are given to Sutherlin Police and Fire Departments First Responders to distribute to children during crisis calls.
Regionally, the following organization is supported:
- A themed basket created with donations from parishioners is auctioned at our annual Diocesan Convention for the Commission on Poverty and Homeless. The funds raised over two days are restricted to the Diocesan Poor and Homeless Fund. Grants are awarded to parishes to be used in outreach programs for those who are poor and homeless. Holy Spirit has been awarded two grants of $1000.00 each which was given to SOEP.
Nationally, the following organization is supported:
- Funds are given to an Episcopal Seminary of the priest’s choosing to support the theological formation of a seminary student.
- The United Thank Offering (UTO) has been a ministry of The Episcopal Church for over 125 years, offering grants for innovative mission and ministry outreach projects. Throughout the year parishioners put aside change in the blue UTO boxes; these gifts are then blessed on The Day of Pentecost. One hundred percent of the money given to UTO is granted back to individual parishes that have eligible grants proposals.
Internationally, the following organizations are supported:
- Funds are given to the ministries of the four dioceses of the Providence of Jerusalem and Middle East.
- Funds are given to the ministries of the Diocese of Haiti or the Diocese of Cuba through Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD).